Tryton Stent Consistently Demonstrates Excellent Results
Tryton Medical, Inc., the leading developer of stents designed to
definitively treat bifurcation lesions, today announced results from the
company’s TRYTON Side Branch Stent™ System presented during a
Trytonsponsored symposium in conjunction with the EuroPCR 2010
conference in Paris.
Robert-Jan Van Geuns, M.D., senior cardiologist at Erasmus Medical
Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, presented data from the
Rotterdam-Poznan Series, a twocenter consecutive series that included
100 lesions from 96 patients followed for six months. Results from the
Rotterdam-Poznan Series demonstrated a procedural success rate of 94
percent and a rate of target vessel revascularization of four percent at
six months. The stented artery was a left main coronary artery in eight
percent of the cases examined in the series.
Maciej Lesiak M.D., Ph.D., from the University Hospital in Poznan,
Poland, presented acute data from the E-Tryton 150 study, a multicenter
consecutive registry performed at eight leading European centers. The
study enrolled 150 consecutive patients who received the Tryton Side
Branch Stent. Results from the E-Tryton registry show a procedural
success rate of 98.5 percent from treatment of bifurcation lesions with
a wide distribution of angles and anatomic locations, including the left
main coronary artery.
“Data presented at the Symposium contributes to the growing body of
evidence demonstrating impressive acute procedural outcomes using the
Tryton strategy,” said Martin B. Leon, M.D., of New York-Presbyterian
Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center, who chaired the event. “The
clinical data from Rotterdam-Poznan shows the durability of these
results at six months which is consistent with the positive data from
the First-In-Man study.”
Current approaches to treating bifurcation lesions have significant
limitations, including higher rates of thrombosis – potentially fatal
blood clots – and restenosis, the renarrowing of the stented vessel
following implantation. Trytonʼs innovative solution to the persistent
problem presented by bifurcation lesions is the Tryton Side Branch Stent
System, which offers a dedicated strategy for bifurcation stenting
across a broad range of anatomic angles and locations.
Left main disease, an accumulation of plaque that narrows the base of
the coronary tree, until recently has been treated with bypass surgery.
Recent studies have demonstrated that stents may provide physicians and
patients with an important alternative.
Widespread adoption of stenting for left main disease has been hampered
by the lack of a robust strategy for bifurcations lesions, which
represent more than 75 percent of left main lesions. A Tryton strategy
for left main disease has the potential to provide an important tool as
stenting becomes established as a standard treatment for left main
About the Tryton Side Branch Stent System
The Tryton Side Branch Stent System is designed to offer a dedicated
strategy for treating atherosclerotic lesions in the side branch at the
site of a bifurcation. Tryton’s highly deliverable cobalt chromium stent
is deployed in the side branch artery using a standard single-wire
balloon-expandable stent delivery system. A conventional drugeluting
stent is then placed in the main vessel.
The Tryton Side Branch Stent System demonstrated excellent six-month
clinical results in a first-in-man study of the system in 30 patients,
with no restenosis occurring in the side branch artery. The stent system
has received CE Mark approval in Europe and is commercially available in
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom. It has been
used to treat more than 1,250 patients with bifurcation disease.
The Tryton Side Branch Stent System is not approved in the United States.
About Tryton Medical, Inc.
Tryton Medical, Inc., located in Durham, N.C., is a leading developer of
novel stent systems for the treatment of bifurcation lesions. The
company`s Side Branch Stent System, approved for sale in Europe, is
designed to offer a dedicated strategy for treating these challenging
cases. The privately held company is backed by Spray Ventures, PTV
Sciences, and RiverVest Ventures. For more information please visit
Tryton Medical, Inc.
Nicole Osmer, 650-454-0504